Class Schedule
JULY 2024 
Kathy's Class Schedule at The Boulder's Resort & Spa

Sonoran Stretch 
9:00 TRX   
10:30 Gentle Yoga (80 min)       
8:00 Sonoran Stretch 
9:00 Mind and Muscle 
10:00 Foam Roller 
11:00 Flow and Ignite Yoga  
8:00 TBC -no class on 7/24
9:00 Zumba - this will be TBC on 7/24

8:00 Sonoran Stretch
9:00 Mind and Muscle - this will be TBC on 7/25 
8:00 Sonoran Stretch
9:00 ZUMBA    - this will be TBC on 7/26
10:30 Gentle Yoga (80 min)    
12:00  Mat Pilates    

Zoom ID:   672 460 7373
PW:  Kathy

Please text me if you have questions. Zoom is a great option!      TEXT:  602-619-5850
I will try to note when I will be out (and no classes) on this page. Also, let me know if you do want to join a class.  Less people are joining for zoom and I may start not turning my ipad on during class.  If I know you are joining - I will make sure zoom is available.  Text me to let me know!

Check out some of my videos on You Tube!!
Kathy Mark - YouTube
Please Subscribe to My Channel!!   It's Free!

Health & Fitness

This page was last updated: July 14, 2024
Boulder's Hotel Guests, Day Guests and Members Only